Comeback to Yoga!
Lifestyle Yoga regularly publishes little snippets of wisdom on the website. Recently, you must have come across the following –
Everyday life can take a heavy toll on our bodies. We spend hours each day, seated in front of a screen, we bend to pick up children, many of us face injury and all of us must adapt with age. Yoga practice fosters positive changes, connecting the body, mind and breath to promote well-being. Carefully calibrated to suit all ages and abilities, Yoga is for everybody and every body.
The above paragraph set off a train of thought. Modern life with its rampant proliferation of technology and gadgets have induced lifestyles that stress out selected parts of our physical body while leaving out most of the others. As a result, unless one consciously engages the rest of the body in active work outs, they are often disused. In addition, the gadgets today occupy our mind consuming attention and time, so much so that many of us become addicted. Most of us have developed an involuntary action of looking at our phones on a regular basis, purely to check out for any incoming alert!
According to data published by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), USA, 80% of all adults experience back pain during their lifetime. 20% of these people have a chance of developing chronic back pain. Current lifestyles seem to enhance this possibility. Today, we shall look at certain basic poses that can address the typical back pain issues in majority of us.
Yoga has been proven to be a great aid in relieving back pain not only by stretching and strengthening the back muscles and spine, but also the core. Regular practitioners may recollect that instructors mentioning that core and back go hand in hand and developing a healthy strong core in fact, helps to keep the back in good, working order along with spinal alignment.
However, if you do suffer from chronic back pain, consult your physiotherapist or a doctor before embarking on your Yoga journey.
Regular practice of Yoga is a sure way to rehabilitate the spine and help alleviate back pain, especially when done in a controlled manner. The very essence of yoga is to move in a controlled way, moving to your breath and learning how to be mindful of your body. In fact, Yoga also works faster at recovery.
Doing exercise daily is a sure way to rehabilitate the spine and help alleviate back pain, especially when done in a controlled manner. The very essence of yoga is to move in a controlled way, moving to your breath and learning how to be mindful of your body. In fact, Yoga works faster than many of the other options that are available.
1. Balasana:
Commonly known as Child Pose, this brings about an alignment in the spine and elongates it. It can be done with knees together or separated, breathing normally, easily, equally separating the inhalation and exhalation. It relaxes the mind and instantaneously energizes the body.

2. Bhujangasana:
Also known as Sphinx Pose, it creates a natural curve on the Lower back, engaging and strengthening the abs. It exerts a mild pressure on the spine. Extending into the full Sphinx Pose, which is another variation, additional pressure can be put on the shoulders, back and spine.

3. Supta Matsyendrasana:
This is a fantastic pose for the lower back, also addresses Sciatica Pain as it hydrates spinal discs and realigns the spine. If the top knee does not reach the floor in final position, one can use props such as blankets, pillows or blocks to help the body structure.

4. Adho Mukha Svanasana:
Popularly known as downward facing dog, this can be rejuvenating and relaxing at the same time. It works on the calves, hamstrings, gluteus muscles and spine, One could start by bending the knees and then straightening them out as the forces of gravity are reversed. It acts on the deep abdominal muscles that support the lower back.

More known as the Cat-cow stretch, people with pets will be familiar with this pose having seen them constantly perform these stretches. This is a Yoga essential pose, normally used for warm up, having both the extension and compression on the spine. When coupled with inhalation and exhalation, it becomes a simple vinyasa flow. Flexing and extending the spine, improves circulation in the discs, that eventually support the lower back. It is a great posture for people who are used ot seated for long hours.
In the next blog, we shall look at the middle and upper back strengthening postures. Remember to start the poses with the guidance of an experienced Yoga teacher. Regular and simple practice will liberate you from suffering.
So, get back to your health and not your sofa!

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